Welcome Liam!

Liam Sullivan was born on July 11, 2006. He was 6 pounds, 11 ounces, and 19 & 1/2 inches long. Liam was delivered at Virginia Hospital Center by Dr. Cobbs. His brother Luke will meet him soon, and parents Bob & Shannon are delighted.


Special Educator, Curriculum Developer, Technology Specialist, and Parent. Shannon lives in the metro DC area, with her husband and 2 little princes. She is always planning her next Disney trip.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Fun To Be One!

If you heard the strumming banjo on my street this summer, well, hug an audiologist, but thank my parents, Uncle Michael and Auntie Paula who made a rocking party for me! We had a cake shaped like a monkey habitat, BBQ in a crock pot, and all the pizza bagels and apple sauce you could ever want. Trust me. It is back to school time and I am still polishing off that apple sauce. Unsweetened. Hello? BIRTHDAY? LIVE IT UP!! There was also the appropriate amount of chicken because my Godfather and pagan Dog-Mother went back and made another batch when Mommy was in the shower. Good with a whisk, but lousy with a calculator.
We were joined by some of my day care buddies, and a few of Luke's as well, because when your brother has a party, you have a party, I suppose. We also greeted the way cool Zaid, some twins whose number I did not catch, Conor, Aaron, and our neighbors.
For a reprise, Frank Cassel is at Jammin' Java every Friday. My Irish eyes were smiling when I had the cake!
Hope we can celebrate your birthday, too.